6/21nico cafe
13:00~ 20分ぐらい、ミニ英会話をする予定です。
そのため、来週の木曜日のオープン時間が、17:00~からとなります。 皆様にご迷惑おかけしますので、よろしくお願いします。
really と leery groveとglobe
Hi Kazz, how have you been?
I’m “Eddie” who is a member of the Suzuka English Cafe. Do you remember me?
I visited your website for the first time in few months.
I hope that your business is successful more than you expected.
See you again!
Hi Thank you for the comments. Of course I remember you. How R U? My business is slow like a turtle.
Hopefully, we can see you at June 27th Wednesday!!
see you soon.